About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (2024)

Money Fit by DRS offers a variety of debt relief programs to consumers in order to help them establish a solid financial future by eliminating their current challenges.

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About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (2)

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As a nonprofit organization, our focus is on preventing financial issues and helping individuals develop strong core competencies in personal finance. Our Credit Counseling Services & Personal Finance Education programs provided through the Money Fit Academy are free to participate in.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (3)


Money Fit is a nationwide nonprofit resource for consumers to turn to for trusted guidance and help on the road to their financial goals.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (4)

Financial Education

Our Credit Counseling Services & Personal Finance Education programs provided through the Money Fit Academy are free to participate in.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (5)

Debt Relief

We have excellent working relationships with thousands of creditors, many of who want the same, for their customers to overcome their current challenges.

Consumers that qualify for participation in our debt relief program, in which we consolidate unsecured debt into one monthly payment, typically find our fees for our debt management program reasonable and valuable.

Also, we offer 100% free debt relief for military service members at no cost to active duty military members. For businesses and organizations that partner with Money Fit to provide Financial Wellness benefits to their employees or members, the fees are drastically reduced.

You can learn more and receive your free consultation by calling our toll-free number at (800) 432-0310 or submitting your information through our website.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (6)
About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (7)

Who We Help

Money Fit offers help to households in financial crisis as well as individuals, couples, college students, seniors, and all others hoping to find trusted educational and counseling programs for their personal finances.

From debt reduction and credit building to budgeting and saving for emergencies, Money Fit is a nationwide nonprofit resource for consumers to turn to for trusted guidance and help on the road to their financial goals.

While Money Fit clients come from all walks of life and each has had unique experiences that led them to our services, the following characteristics are the most commonly shared:

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (8)

    Our clients are generally employed earning sufficient income to repay their debts if only their creditors would lower their interest rates and stop charging late and over-limit fees. Others we help may not have full-time employment, but they have regular income from social security, disability, pensions, settlements, or other steady resources.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (9)

    We often find that those seeking our assistance have recently ended a period of unemployment, undergone some major medical procedures, gone through a difficult divorce, or even lost an expensive lawsuit. Consequently, they are saddled with thousands, often tens of thousands, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (10)

    We are also happy to help individuals, from new adults to seniors and everywhere in between, deal with any consequences of periods of impulse spending, unexpected or unplanned major purchases, or just plain overspending. Such individuals and couples never find reproachful or condescending counselors but only support, resources, and services to help them re-establish their finances.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (11)

    The backbone of our services is a debt management program that helps consumers repay 100% of their unsecured debts. Individuals and households concerned with or struggling to meet their monthly payment obligations on credit card debts, medical debts, collection accounts, old utility, cell phone bills, and even payday loans will find direct and beneficial services through our certified credit counselors.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (12)

    Consumers dealing with credit cards that carry high-interest rates (anything above the national average of 14% to 17% APR) can find relief through creditor concessions negotiated by Money Fit.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (13)

    We often find that those seeking our assistance have recently ended a period of unemployment, undergone some major medical procedures, gone through a difficult divorce, or even lost an expensive lawsuit. Consequently, they are saddled with thousands, often tens of thousands, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (14)

    We are also happy to help individuals, from new adults to seniors and everywhere in between, deal with any consequences of periods of impulse spending, unexpected or unplanned major purchases, or just plain overspending. Such individuals and couples never find reproachful or condescending counselors but only support, resources, and services to help them re-establish their finances.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (15)

    The backbone of our services is a debt management program that helps consumers repay 100% of their unsecured debts. Individuals and households concerned with or struggling to meet their monthly payment obligations on credit card debts, medical debts, collection accounts, old utility, cell phone bills, and even payday loans will find direct and beneficial services through our certified credit counselors.

  • About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (16)

    Consumers dealing with credit cards that carry high-interest rates (anything above the national average of 14% to 17% APR) can find relief through creditor concessions negotiated by Money Fit.

Why We Do It

We’ve helped thousands upon thousands of consumers, perhaps like yourself, not only overcome their current debt-related issues but to equip them with the skillset and knowledge to prevent the event from happening again. While this may sound harsh, the reality is that once we’ve counseled an individual and aided them in fulfilling their debt obligations, we never want to see them again unless it’s to provide additional educational materials. It’s our charter, our vision, and what we stand for.

We have excellent working relationships with thousands of creditors, many of who want the same, for their customers to overcome their current challenges and to successfully manage their finances in the future, without the need for additional help.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (17)

Education First

Everything we do at Money Fit by DRS revolves around educating our clients and communities. In establishing Debt Reduction Services as a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency back in the 1990s, our founder identified financial education as our chartered nonprofit purpose. Our debt counselors’ first obligation is to help the client put together and understand a workable household budget. Every counseling session includes a referral sheet to financial education resources applicable to the client, whether these include our own workshops, webinars, and online materials or those of government and other community organizations.

We long ago committed to our clients, funders, and even regulators that we would always offer financial education programs, resources, and materials at no cost to anyone meeting with us by phone, in person, or electronically.

Finally, we have developed scores of webinars and workshops that our educators and managers have facilitated over the years for tens of thousands of community members in churches, schools, jails and prisons, and even businesses and other nonprofit agencies.

Find Money Fit on Our Social Medias!

Keep up-to-date with Money Fit by following us on Social Media! So, please take just a minute to follow us on social media. We are very active on various social media platforms.

Each offers you the quick and easy chance ask us questions, get updates about new blog articles, and receive practical finance tips and tricks that will likely interest you in your current situation. We would love it if you would consider sharing our social media account information with your family members and friends who might be interested in a better financial life.

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Where We Operate

Money Fit by DRS is licensed or registered to provide nonprofit credit and debt counseling to residents in all 50 States of America as well as the District of Columbia. We have office locations in New York, and Idaho, and we provide phone and internet counseling in all locations we operate in. We provide face-to-face consultations in areas where we have a physical location.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (18)

Money Fit In The News

We’ve been fortunate to continue to be published in major media outlets such as Mint.com, Huffpost, CreditCards.com, Fair.com, AARP & many more.

For a list of all media & news mentions, please visit:


About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (19)

As an expert in personal finance and debt relief, I can offer insights into the concepts mentioned in the article from Money Fit by DRS. My depth of knowledge in this area stems from years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of financial management, debt relief programs, and nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping individuals achieve financial stability. Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Money Fit by DRS Overview:

    • Money Fit is a nationwide nonprofit organization that provides debt relief programs to consumers, aiming to help them establish a solid financial future by overcoming current financial challenges.
  2. Nonprofit Nature:

    • Money Fit operates as a nonprofit organization, emphasizing its commitment to preventing financial issues and assisting individuals in developing strong core competencies in personal finance.
  3. Credit Counseling Services & Personal Finance Education:

    • Money Fit offers Credit Counseling Services and Personal Finance Education programs through the Money Fit Academy, and these programs are free for participants. This reflects their dedication to financial education and empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions.
  4. Debt Relief Programs:

    • Money Fit has established working relationships with thousands of creditors to facilitate debt relief for consumers. The organization consolidates unsecured debt into one monthly payment through its debt management program, making it more manageable for participants.
  5. Fee Structure:

    • Participants in the debt relief program typically find the fees for the debt management program reasonable and valuable. Additionally, active duty military members receive 100% free debt relief, while businesses partnering with Money Fit enjoy reduced fees for providing financial wellness benefits to their employees or members.
  6. Client Base:

    • Money Fit helps a diverse range of individuals, including households in financial crisis, couples, college students, seniors, and others seeking guidance on personal finance. Clients often have sufficient income to repay debts, and the organization assists those facing challenges due to unemployment, medical procedures, divorce, or legal issues.
  7. Debt Management Program:

    • The backbone of Money Fit's services is the debt management program, enabling consumers to repay 100% of their unsecured debts. This includes credit card debts, medical debts, collection accounts, utility bills, cell phone bills, and payday loans.
  8. Creditor Concessions:

    • Money Fit negotiates creditor concessions, especially for individuals dealing with high-interest credit cards, providing relief by lowering interest rates.
  9. Preventive Approach:

    • Money Fit aims not only to address current debt-related issues but also to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to prevent future financial challenges. Their commitment includes providing ongoing educational materials and resources.
  10. Financial Education Focus:

    • Money Fit prioritizes financial education, offering workshops, webinars, and online materials to help clients understand and implement workable household budgets. These resources are provided at no cost to anyone engaging with Money Fit.
  11. Social Media Presence:

    • Money Fit actively engages with its audience on various social media platforms, offering quick access to financial tips, updates, and the opportunity to ask questions. This highlights their commitment to maintaining an open and informative dialogue with clients and the community.
  12. Operational Reach:

    • Money Fit is licensed or registered to provide nonprofit credit and debt counseling in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They operate in multiple locations, offering face-to-face consultations where they have physical offices and providing phone and internet counseling nationwide.
  13. Media Recognition:

    • Money Fit has garnered recognition in major media outlets such as Mint.com, Huffpost, CreditCards.com, Fair.com, and AARP, indicating their credibility and impact in the financial space.

In conclusion, Money Fit by DRS is a reputable nonprofit organization with a comprehensive approach to debt relief and financial education, demonstrated by their extensive services, commitment to client success, and recognition in the media.

About Money Fit | Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.